Southern War Songs Camp-Fire, Patriotic & Sentimental

200+ Song Lyrics Collected, Arranged & Illustrated, By W. L. Fagan - online songbook

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By Capt. Thorpe, Kentucky.
Unclaimed by the land that bore us,
Lost in the land we find The brave have gone before us,
Cowards are left behind! Then stand to your glasses, steady,
Here's a health to those we prize, Here's a toast to the dead already,
And here's to the next who dies.
Air"Blue Bonnets over the Border."
For trumpet and drum, leave the soft voice of maiden ;
For the tramp of armed men, leave the maze of the dance; One kiss on the lips, with words of love laden—
One look in dimm'd eyes—then the rifle and lance.
Chorus.—March, march, true heart Southrons,
Fall into ranks and march in good order,— Escambia shall many a day tell of the fierce affray, When we drove the base Northmen far over our border
Do ye weep, ye fair flowers, our hearth-stones that brighten?
For every tear shed shall fall ten foemen's lives; Far in the cold North their hosts we will frighten,
As we strike for our "Homes, our sweethearts, and wives."